Computer vision has been one of the major areas of AI since its earliest days. Typical image processing pipelines include appliying low-level filters, followed by edge detection followed by some sort of object recognition and evetually more semantic understanding.. Various forms of deep neural network are now used extensively, where these distinctions betwen stages are effectively buried within the network. However, understanding stages of vision processing continues to be important, for example, providing the insight behind {[convolutional neural networks}}.
Used in Chap. 1: page 6; Chap. 15: pages 240, 244, 250, 251, 254; Chap. 18: pages 308, 310; Chap. 19: pages 314, 324; Chap. 22: page 370; Chap. 23: pages 381, 387; Chap. 24: page 402
Also known as vision